Friday 12 March 2010

Interview revelation

So I've been interviewing bands and general music people from the 'Shire, and talked my way onto the guest list for Cheltenham's Exposure music awards with a chance to interview the winners. 
One bad point about me? Sweaty palms, stuttering and a quite obviously intimidating dicta-phone might stand in the way of some smooth conversation.
Who'd have thought that interviewing local small town bands would give me the quivers. I was always shy when I was little, and when I got older... and even, actually, when I turned 22 last week. Not great.
But I enjoy it! Listening to my  nervous and nauseating voice is made up by usable entertaining quotes that make for some colourful writing. If I could front a band and play on stage every night , even to three people at the Frog, Slaks or Cafe Rene, I'd be one happy not-trainee journalist. Seeing as that is NEVER going to happen I may as well relish in the lives of people I envy. 
My opening interviewing techniques, as those inspired by Jancee Dun, American journalist for Rolling Stone are as follows...

  • Approach with caution.
  • Never open with a sentence that sounds parental "Well! Looks like someone had a late night!"
  • Pay attention to the drummer, this will get the other band mate's (particularly the singer's) competitive spirit in action.
  • Never use quotes from the drummer
  • Avoid reminding them of a fan
  • Never lead with the word 'I'
  • If things get awkward have a quirky fact they might not know about themselves, i.e total Youtube hits...ease the tension!
And if I had the confidence or grace to pull them off, all my stories would front page leads.

But they're not.

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